Contributing to our Videos

This is an archived page from 2020.

Dear community,

Our video project is asking for contributions from Waters School community. The projects is coordinated and directed by Jules Peterson-Green. She is out filming, editing, and coordinating the project nearly every day.

Jules and Pete Leki have been asking some specific people to make videos to contribute to the project. For example:

One parent filmed his daughter gathering mint into bundles for tea.

One student filmed his mom gathering native seeds, while his father provided drumming musical accompaniment.

and more.. In this way, we can have the videos be more interactive, students can teach and learn from each other, and we get more of a sense of a community and what they do when they are in nature.

In each case, the films are made only by people in one family unit or pod. All distancing precautions need to be taken when filming.

If you have video to submit, please try your best to have it in the following format: 1920×1080 30fps If you already filmed and it’s really special footage, please email us before sending.

Please include in your email the way we can acknowledge you in the credits and if you will allow up to have permission to use your video.

We also desperately need more wonderful soundtrack material. Some local musicians have been sending us permission to use their music. The soundtracks add magic and emotion to our little film clips. We love little 10-15 second interludes as well as longer music clips. Acoustic is best, as the words in music make it difficult to use as a soundtrack. If you have any music to share, please let us know!

many thanks! Such fun it’s been! What a great community project!

This is an archived page from 2020.