Support: Letter from Megan and Patrick Duffy

Letter of support for Pete Leki

Dear Mr. Rutkowski, Ms. Martin, and Waters LSC,
We are writing this letter in support of Mr. Pete Leki maintaining the job description and commensurate compensation that has been in place as the Director of Ecology since 2018.
The Ecology Program at Waters Elementary is THE reason we enrolled our oldest child, Thomas, in Waters as a Kindergartener. It was an enormous factor in our decision to buy a home in this neighborhood, even though a dollar doesn’t stretch as far here as it can in other areas of the city.
As a recent 8th grade graduate, Thomas has had the opportunity to be steward of our natural spaces under the guidance of Mr. Leki on field trips every year. He was fortunate to participate in the Mighty Acorns camp opportunity during 2 summers to broaden his understanding of the impact each of us has on our environment. Thomas served as a recycling captain on multiple occasions during his tenure at Waters and brought home newfound knowledge each year from his work in the garden on campus.
We hope our current 5th grader, and all students at Waters, can continue to benefit in similar ways.
These invaluable learning experiences were possible because of Mr. Leki and his Ecology Program. The program holds a significance on par, at the least, with learning to read and write. These learning opportunities can not be “picked up” by the classroom teacher.
We do not believe the Ecology Program can be sustained and nourished without Pete Leki’s stewardship. The work that is currently in place, the program that Mr. Leki has spent decades creating, can not be replicated or replaced by filling the job description suggested for the “Ecology Miscellaneous”.
In addition, as past, present, and future supporters of Waters Today, it has been our
understanding that our donations have been primarily intended to support Waters unique Ecology Program.
We are asking Waters administration and the LSC to work in partnership with Mr. Leki to overcome any bureaucratic obstacles that are in place and to ensure Mr. Leki’s position and compensation remain intact.
Megan and Patrick Duffy