Winter and wonders

This week we will finish our Winter Field Ecology Schedule!!  22 outings that witnessed winter and wonders. This past week the sixth graders got a tour of the Chicago River/sewer/freshwater system. A lifelong memory for them will no doubt be repelling down the riverbank to see the grey foaming effluent from the sewer plant (the “cleaned” wastewater), with its pungent aroma of septic and perfume, heading downstream to our neighborhood. Farther up the Channel, in Wilmette, they saw a completely different river, blue, clear, and fresh Lake water. We hope that that vision will be the river of our future!

This week in ecology we will continue with 1st-grade trees, begin reading and responding to Mighty Acorns journals, and begin rehearsals of The Legend of Snake and Turtle. It will be performed by 1st-grade actors for Kinder, 1st, and 8th Grades!

On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 4th Grade Room 317 will embark on our rescheduled winter trip to Sauganash. We are running out of winter. Change out snow boots for rain boots. The bus leaves at 9:30 and will be back by 12:30. Volunteers meet by the fish tank at 9:00.

Can it be true? Covid cases falling, daylight lengthening, silver maples in the bud, and a whiff of Spring in the air??
Mr. Leki