Heat Waves Fades, mild day at the garden

Hello Garden Friends and Neighbors,

A scorcher today, but tomorrow promises to chill out a bit, to provide us a lovely setting for stewardship in the Garden. Please join us from 10:00 until ….1:00 to pitch in, to work, and learn, and enjoy the company of an amazing group of kids, parents and neighbors who are dedicated to caring for a precious bit of land in our community. 

There is work and wonder for all, from clean up, to weeding, fence and path tending, fire building, cooking and serving each other. And if you play an instrument, bring it, and gift us with song.

Below are some garden images from the past week: the acorns from the bur oaks are starting to drop (assisted by hungry squirrels, pawpaw are thickening, hazelnuts are weighing down the branches that carry them, the sunflowers and rudbeckia are in full flourish, Joe Pye Weed (3 species) are casting their gentle pink glow, and the swales are alight with cardinal flower, boneset, monkey flower and blazing star. 

We have work to do and joy to share.

Join us!

Pete (for garden stewards)